Electricity Distribution Activities for ITOB – IZMIR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ORGANIZED INDUSTRIAL ZONE will be managed by the zone for 49 years. Necessary transactions for the matter involved were performed pursuant to the Law no. 4628 on Electricity Market and Relevant Regulations and a Distribution License for the Organized Industrial Zone was taken on 13/12/2007 under no. ED-OSB/1406-2/1028 and distribution activities have been conducted since 25/01/2009.
Transactions on the project approval and provisional and final acceptance for the participants are handled by GEDİZ EDAŞ and energy permits, electricity sales contracts, meter reading and invoicing transactions are performed by Zone Directorate.
ITOB – IZMIR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ORGANIZED INDUSTRIAL ZONE is fed by the Distribution Center connected to double circuit 34,5 kV power transmission line coming from Teiaş Pancar Organized Industrial Zone Transformer Station. Energy may be provided to the industrialist at affordable prices with the tariff no.1. Monthly electricity consumption of the zone is about 2150 MWh.
19Transformer Stations, 17-kilometer 34,5 kV underground cable network are available in order to meet the energy requirements of the participants within the certified.boundaries. 1000 kVA transformers were installed to fulfill the needs of low-voltage subscribers as well as 34,5 kV Metal-Clad modular output cell with circuit breaker in each transformer station.
An environmental lighting system composed of 439 posts was installed for the environmental lighting of ITOB – IZMIR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ORGANIZED INDUSTRIAL ZONE. Zone Directorate shall deal with the operation, maintenance and grounding measurements for MV-LV plants. Considering SCADA infrastructure, fiber optic cables are laid between the transformer stations and meter readings and transformer station checks are planned to be performed through Scada in the next years.
İTOB Organize Sanayi Bölgesi’nin çevre aydınlatmasının sağlanması için 439 adet direkten oluşan, çevre aydınlatma sistemi kurulmuştur. Tüm OG-AG tesislerinin işletme, bakım, topraklama ölçümleri Bölge Müdürlüğü tarafından yapılmaktadır. Scada alt yapısı düşünülerek trafo merkezleri arasında fiber optik kablolar döşenmiş olup, ileriki yıllarda sayaç okuma ve trafo merkezlerinin kontrolü işlemlerinin scada ile yapılması planlanmaktadır.