İşbirliği Enerji Üretim A.Ş. associated by our zone by 90,97% has started to make production in 2012.
Capital of the company is TRY 30.500.000. Plant in question is a natural gas cycle plant.
Electricity tariff of the user whose annual consumption is over 50 million kWh has changed since April 1 upon the issuance of the Communiqué on “The Regulation of the Last Source Supply Tariff”. New price is set as market clearing price+ Renewable Energy Sources Support Mechanism (ReSSuM)* 1,128( coefficient).
Bilateral agreeement with İşbirliği Enerji was renewed and relevant costs are reduced so. However in case of any price formation over manufacturing costs in the previous year, İşbirliği Enerji’s generation will be activated and relevant costs will be balanced so.